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How Very Grateful

I have just finished Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis. And I recommend. It’s an easy read, a funny book and I keep quoting her.

She talks about the lies we tell ourselves. The lies we believe and repeat to ourselves. And repeat. And repeat. And repeat.

As a grieving Mama, I thought ‘what lie do I tell myself?’

‘I should be beyond my grief.’

‘I should be beyond my grief.’

‘I should be beyond my grief.’

Truth is I am no. Heck no. Nope. No sireeee.

And when I believe my lie, my real feelings fester and my voice is subdued. Sometimes my voice is all I have and fester is such an ugly word.

This weekend, a dear friend sent me this gift; the video below with the wish that Samantha would have been in the Super Power Baby Book.

I sat in a coffee shop with non-lie alligator tears streaming down my face embracing my Christmas blend. Vulnerable, raw, honest.

Thank you dear friend for helping me live in my truth.

Watch here.


May the Gratitude in My Heart Kiss All the Universe- Hafiz, Sufi Poet


Loves,  loves, loves.

Yesterday was Colorado Gives Day, a chance to give to our local nonprofits.

And Lordy you gave!

You sponsored a top family grant

Help with respite

30 bottles of ubiquinol shipped from Montana to New Mexico

Gas Cards

30 stays at the hotel across from Children’s so tired families can be close to their loves.

Gift cards that can be collected at the hospital for a much needed cup of coffee

Scholarships to national mitochondrial conferences

And a support group to families when life seems unsupportable

I KISS THE UNIVERSE in my gratitude! You are love. And I love your love.

thank you text on black and brown board
Photo by on

Two Days Until Colorado Gives Day!

Did you know?

If you are a mito patient at Children’s Colorado, you can mosey on down to the volunteer office and ask for a gift card?

And they will hand you that gift card.

And you can use it for whatever you please.

Be it a Green Goddess Salad over at Panera.

Or the French Toast at the cafeteria (which is really pretty good)

Or some fancy lotion and some cozy socks.

Or COFFEE at Daz Bog!

No matter.

All because of Miracles for Mito.

Yeah, we got your back.

blog, home, Life Today

The Kids are Alright

I have been looking through quotes to find the right words.

I have looked through George H.W Bush’s repertoire to state how I feel. RIP 41.

And I found the quote about broccoli. But I like broccoli.

And then as I started to write this post, Hubs put on The Who and the song The Kids are Alright came on.

The Kids are Alright. And that is it.

ethan santa

Miracles for Mito hosted a Christmas Party today. It was a great day! We were at the Anchor Center for Blind Children which is an amazing place. Samantha was a student there and everytime we host a party, I feel a tad nostalgic. My nephews joined us today. They ran up and gave me a hug.

“Isn’t this a cool place?” I said. “Samantha went to school here.”

“She was so lucky! She had a ball pit!” Said one of the Phews.

And that got me all teary.

But the Kids are Alright.

nat and santa

Today every kiddo got a present. We had amazing food compliments of Angela and Matt. Our docs talked about what we are doing here in Colorado. And really, we are doing some cool things

austin pic

Here is our doc talking about current research. I love this community.

I MAY have been related to Santa and Mrs. Claus today. Jim, my stepdad stepped up to be Santa and he was amazing. Mama Judi was Mrs. Claus. We talked about being Santa last week.

“You got this,” I said to Jim. “Just be Samantha’s Santa.”

And he was. He went up to every kiddo in a wheelchair who could not come to him. He talked to them, held their hand….Missy Moo was proud.

And The Kids are Alright

kiddos santa

It is hard to put into words……this devastating disease, this strapped community, our own  personal grief……and come out on the other side with hope, love and and overwhelming sense of gratitude.

But thats how today was. My heart is so full. You all are amazing. And if we have nothing else, I guess we have each other, and tonight? That is enough.

This Kid is Alright

Thank you. Seriously. Thank you